Tankers International adds to VLCC Pool off back of buoyant end-2022


Tankers International, the world’s leading shipping pool for VLCCs, has grown rapidly throughout 2022, bringing the total size of the Tankers International fleet to 66 VLCCs, across 8 pool partners.

The Tankers International pool has added more modern tonnage throughout 2022, bringing the average age of the fleet down whilst increasing its size. Tankers International’s 66 strong fleet now has an average age of 7.8 years. The specialist scrubber pool has grown to 34 vessels from 19 vessels at the start of 2022 with an average age of 6.8 years decreasing from 7.5 years.

Tankers International pool partners benefit from improved cash flow, allowing the vessels to trade on longer, more profitable routes, alongside streamlined operations and the strong market intelligence of Tankers International. The unique pooling model leverages the collective strength of the pool, in data, scale, and size, to maximise earnings for pool partners.

Tankers International’s Scrubber Pool operates as a sub-pool, sitting within the Tankers International umbrella of specialised Pools. This means that it operates from a robust financial and commercial perspective whilst continuing to share resources across the entire Tankers International fleet.

Charlie Grey, Chief Operating Officer, Tankers International, commented: “The VLCC sector’s recovery has been dramatic, especially during the second half of last year. However, this recovery has arrived alongside changes in trade routes as our market becomes more complex. As a result, we have seen the value of pooling continue to increase. We are incredibly pleased that the Tankers International VLCC pooling model continues to provide exceptional value for our partners.”
