Short Sea boost for London Thamesport


The range of short sea container services available from Hutchison Ports London Thamesport is to be increased following the announcement by Viasea Shipping of a new service from the South East UK port.

Commenting on the new sailing, Mark Taylor, Director, London Thamesport, said: “London Thamesport is already well established as one of the leading short sea container ports in the South East of England and offers excellent service levels in both quayside and landside operations. We are delighted that Viasea Shipping has chosen Thamesport as its gateway into the region.

“The addition of their UK-Norway service complements the regular and reliable connections we already have to Northern and Southern Europe. We look forward to working with them over the coming years to increase the range, frequency and reliability of options for shippers.”
Morten Pettersen, Managing Director of Viasea said: “The south of UK has significant volumes of import/export to Northern Europe and Baltic region. Adding a call at London Thamesport will allow us to assist UK shippers and receivers to reduce their reliance on the heavily congested Channel crossings and will allow greater predictability for deliveries. It will also offer a greener route reducing the distances travelled by road as we bring our vessel closer to the market in this region.”

Norwegian-owned Viasea Shipping, established in 2016, is an independent short sea operator connecting Norway with the UK, Europe and the Baltic states. The new service from London Thamesport will call weekly with connections to Moerdijk and the Norwegian ports of Oslo, Moss and Kristiansand, with onward connections into the Baltic and Poland.
