Seafarer rights among topics discussed at round table in Panama on links with India


In a round table on links between Panama and India co-organised by the Maritime Chamber of Panama (CMP), the Director of the General Directorate of Seafarers (DGGM) of the Maritime Authority of Panama (AMP), Maryluz Castillo, highlighted the importance of strengthening mutual cooperation in matters of trade, human talent and labour rights at sea.

In his speech, Castillo stressed that the meeting represented an opportunity to deepen the historical relationship between India and Panama, promoting cultural and economic exchange with a vision of the future. Furthermore, he emphasized the key role of maritime transport as a pillar of global trade and the responsibility of guaranteeing the labour rights of seafarers, always a priority for the AMP.

“We work tirelessly to ensure that seafarers on board our ships have valid contracts, receive their salaries on time and their fundamental rights, such as repatriation, vacations, overtime and medical care, are respected,” he said.

During the debate, India’s role in the global maritime industry, its impact on economic development and its strategic relationship with Panama were also addressed, given the relevance of the Panama Canal in international trade. Topics such as maritime safety and human resource training were also discussed.

The event included the participation of the Ambassador of India for Panama, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, Sumit Seth. Representatives of the Government, businessmen and leaders of the maritime sector also participated, including the President of the CMP José Digeronimo and President of National College of Career Diplomats (CONADIP) Liza Pinzón, those two bodies having been co-organisers of the round table.
