IBIA leads change in rules for carriage of biofuels by bunker vessels

The International Bunker Industry Association (IBIA) welcomes the agreement by IMO’s Sub Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR 12) to draft ‘Interim Guidance on the carriage of blends of biofuels and MARPOL Annex I cargoes by conventional bunker ships’.

The guidance allows conventional bunker ships certified for carriage of oil fuels under MARPOL Annex I to transport blends of not more than 30% by volume of biofuel, as long as all residues or tank washings are discharged ashore, unless the oil discharge monitoring equipment (ODME) is approved for the biofuel blend(s) being shipped. The Interim Guidance is expected to be approved by IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 83) in April.

In November 2023 IBIA submitted a document to IMO on the carriage of biofuels for supply to a ship for use as fuel oil on board that ship. This highlighted that as conventional bunker vessels were limited in carrying fuel oil of no more than 25% biofuel it presented a potential impediment to the global adoption of biofuels as fuel oil for ships and so to the ambition for the decarbonization of international shipping in the short term, as set out in the 2023 IMO GHG Strategy.

IBIA’s membership represents stakeholders from across the global marine fuel value chain, and being able to draw on this technically strong and credible resource will, in its role of having consultative status to the IMO, mean that IBIA will continue to bring important matters to the attention of the wider IMO membership for due consideration.


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